Kent Squash AGM 2021
Minutes of the AGM held Wednesday, July 28th, 8.00pm
Committee in attendance – Nigel Pope,(Thanet) Gerard L’Aimable,(Park Langley) Gloria Riley,(Dover) Ben Ford, (Bexley) Baz Hodson,(Hythe) John Creek, (Knole Park) Brian Hollands (Folkestone)
Clubs in attendance – Thanet, Dover, Canterbury, Bexley, Park Langley, Glenn Mousley, Hythe, Folkestone, Knole Park, Martin Clark Rodmersham, Claire Goodayle, Mote, Kevin Clark, Blackheath
1. Apologies – Tom Swain Biddenden, Joe Magor, Canterbury
2. AGM minutes 2020 - any noted amends and approval – minutes of the 2020 AGM were agreed as a true record and no amendments were made. Proposed John Creek, seconded Baz Hodson. Agreed.
3. Chairman’s Report – The Chairman asked if anyone would be interested in coming forward to act as Chairman. He briefly outlines what had been happening from a committee’s point of view during the lockdown. He commented on the three new roles created in the last 6-9 months. Steve Franks was hugely thanked for all his hard work with Kent Squash over the years solely delivering the three roles we later created. The meeting wished him well for the future.
4. Treasurer Report -vote on League fees and re-election on auditor – (circulated via the Kent website and WhatsApp Group).
It was agreed to continue with Bayyar and Hughes as auditors. 100% in agreement
It was agreed that league membership fees be £5 for adults and free for juniors for the coming season. 100% in agreement
The Treasurer’s Report was agreed. 100% in agreement
5. Director of Sport, Head Coach and Development Officers Report- (circulated via the Kent website and WhatsApp Group)
Reports were agreed on bloc. 100% in agreement
6. Election of Trustees & Officers –
Election of officers on bloc was agreed. 100% in agreement
Joe Magor was elected Outer Kent Club League Organiser. 100% in agreement
7. League & Cup Competitions - Winter Leagues will start mid to late October 20121
League fees. Winter League costs to be £65 adult team and £30 for junior teams. 100% in agreement
It was agreed to further discuss the two rule changes made for this summer’s league, regarding sharing fees and 4 man teams and to see if players were interested in carrying them on for the winter leagues. Other than these two changes League Rules and Competitions will stay the same
8. Covid-19 - A phased reopening – the Chairman asked if everyone has received information from ES regarding recent Covid news. He said the committee would be interested in how Clubs have managed the transition, for example, the pay and play structure put in place by Rodmersham. It was agreed that a September meeting of club chairman/team captains would be used to review the 'back to squash' position for Kent Clubs and the committee would make a concerted effort to ensure all clubs are invited.
9. Website/Marketing Report – Joe was unable to attend the meeting, however, the chairman reminded clubs of how the website would be used in the future.
10. A.O.B – Brian has been talking to Kent Sport and School Games Organisers (SGOs) regarding funding and there is a possibility of some funding. The funding scheme from Kent Sport is called P.E.Y.P (Positive Experiences for Young People) this replaces satellite funding. He also informed the meeting of his intention of upskilling teachers within schools to deliver the mini squash program. Martin Clark has also been running a junior program which has been successful
Meeting finished at 9.05pm
Gloria Riley